10 Tips for Making a Great Facebook Page for Business Owners

Facebook Business Page

Facebook is a great tool for small companies. Setting up a page can lead to loyal customers and brand recognition. Keep these tips in mind when creating your first Facebook page.

Set a Clear goal for the page

Don’t create a Facebook page just to say your business has a page. Decide on a clear goal and stick to it. Do you want to create new customers or focus on the existing base? Do you want a one-stop location for Facebook and Internet users? Decide why the Facebook page exists before setting one up.

Understand all the features Facebook offers

Facebook offers a wide assortment of features. These include tools to upload video and pictures, chat rooms for the page, a direct purchase system, a forum type wall posts. These tools will help your business thrive on Facebook.

Develop a good strategy

Once the goal is set and the features are discussed, create a good strategy. Make sure this strategy lines up with the original goal. The page itself will be the visual representation of this strategy.

Utilize the Facebook Ad system

Facebook has a great system for ads. They are unobtrusive and can drive users to your page. This good feature often goes underutilized by a business. Remember to use this to help boost your page views.

Create targeted marketing opportunities

Some of the best marketing moments are those created on the net. Facebook users like be included when there is an event on a page. These events can be something as simple as giving out a coupon for each Facebook page like, or something more complex. An example of this could be a contest asking users to create content.

Mix the Business content with Other People’s Content

Make sure to pepper the Facebook page with content related to your business. However, this doesn’t always have to be your content. If a contest is held where the users create content related to your business, make sure to post it. Also, post any content that others companies create about your products or services.

Be consistent with updating

Make sure you update the page on a regular basis. If you post twice a week, make sure you keep posting twice a week. This will create an expectation and relationship with the Facebook users on your page.

Allow user-created content

Interacting with the visual customer base is a great way to help build brand loyalty. Allow your customers to build their own content based on your products. This can be used by your business as a marketing tool or a way to bring in new customers.

Facebook page Effectivness

Be a Real person

Robotic personalities are not welcome in the realm of social media. Make sure there is a real person behind the Facebook account. Answer questions that are brought up, converse with the Facebook fan base, and just hang out with your customers from time to time. This will help add a degree of loyalty with your customer base.

Involve the Facebook users with company decisions

Facebook is a great place to field ideas about your products or services. Ask your users how to improve your product and what they would like to see in future iterations. Interact with them on a regular basis. This can lead to a long-lasting relationship with your customers.

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