How To Find Lost iPhone??

iPhone Lost

This article is for if you lost your iPhone then what to do. The best thing in iPhone is that it has different software that can make it easy to track down your iPhone location, so if you want to locate your lost iPhone then follow below steps.

Locate a Lost iPhone on iCloud Account

  1. First sign in to icloud account on the web from any browser.
  2. Go to I and click find iPhone and then select a device to view it’s location on a map.
  3. You can search the location and then make it as lost. This process will automatically lock your device.

Use a Family Member’s Sharing

If you and your family members are using iPhone then you can use family sharing and family member can help to locate another member’s missing device, just have your family member to sign into iCould account with their apple id and you can find any device that you or your family members use with family sharing.

To Find lost iPhone on Map

Now, let’s say your phone is lost, you can search it on map too. If you have an iPhone or iPad running iOS then fire up the find my app. Find my can help you locate your devices.

  • Go to settings.
  • On the top you can find Apple id click on that.
  • You will get Find My app, just open it and enable your find my iPhone.

Find My can help you locate your devices on the map because you have enabled location services. If you choose to enable the send last location feature then your devices last known location will be automatically sent to Apple any time even your devices battery reaches a critically low level. So always enable your Find My app to keep safe your iPhone.

Track Down Your iPhone   

After Sign in Find My app, check first of your iPhone Pops up on the map, tap its icon or tap its entry in the list. The app then displays few different options. Tap play sound, and your iPhone starts sounding noise to help you find it. A notice also appears on the screen for a Find My iphone alert.

You can also find by tapping directions to get driving directions to the device location.

Mark Device as Lost   

If you cannot find your iPhone then tap Activate in the section for mark as lost. This will lock your iPhone so no one can access it and display your contact information in case someone’s find it.

Erase iPhone Data

If you want to remove your personal information from your iPhone device then use this technique. You can’t locate your phone and are concerned about it being accessed by some wrong person then tap on Erase This Device to remove your personal information. Please note that erased phone can’t be tracked on the map.

So only use this option if you have given up all your hope of finding your phone. So try to do other methods first but if it is totally not possible to find your iPhone then erase your data that can keep your private contact messages and documents safe. Erase iPhone data can erase all your data from iPhone and cannot be tracked on a map in future.

Use Siri’s Voive Activation Feature

You can use the Hey siri feature. This feature allows you to activate your iPhone with the voice activated command Hey siri followed by a loud activation tone.

After the activation tone, continue to talk to siri. If she doesn’t hear you correctly, She will prompt you to ask again, which should allow you to follow the sound of device to track down your iPhone.

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