Currently, WhatsApp is the trending messenger App in the world with over 2 billion monthly active users. Following that, Telegram also has 400 million active users and Signal stands at 10-20 million monthly active users. Looking at this user’s number, its all clear that WhatsApp is widely popular and while Telegram is catching up and Signal seems to have just joined the million downloads race. Having said that, numbers don’t tell you everything and that’s why we bring you a detailed comparison between WhatsApp vs. Telegram vs. Signal. We will…
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Useful missing features of WhatsApp in 2020 Updates
WhatsApp ease of use and features makes it more popular. But still, there are features that can make it more useful and superior to others. WhatsApp has launched a range of features to make the instant chat platform more useful for the users. This instant messaging app is one of the most popular communication applications across the world, boasting of more than 1.5 billion monthly active users. There are still too many features that we need in WhatsApp for it to become a ‘safer’ and more ‘useful’ app. Pin or…
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